Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Listening: Lil Wayne, "Tie My Hands"

If you follow me on Twitter, or pay any attention to my MySpace status updates, you know one thing about me if nothing else: I am not a Lil Wayne fan (and I'm from New Orleans!). I've called his music "whack", and I've repeatedly said his skills are "criminally overrated". But like the old saying goes, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day".

Yes, I know the song is kinda old, but I didn't even pay it any attention until Wayne performed it at the 2009 Grammys a couple of months ago. And while it's not enough to turn me into a fan, it is enough to make me stop criticizing him.

For a while.


  1. I'm not a big fan either, but I listen to "TC3" in guilt-ridden isolation at least once a week. It's like having sex w/someone you know you have no business foolin' with, but sometimes it's just so good to ya.

  2. You know, one of my co-workers actually made me sit down and listen to that CD not long after its release. Maybe if I didn't stomp out of the room in disgust when that "I feel big!... Like colossal!" part came on, I wouldn't have missed hearing that song the first time.
