Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Credit is (Over)Due...

You see that blog description up there? I didn't come up with that on my own. It was actually the brainchild of one of my favorite tweeters, @mcwbr. You see, he recommended me for Follow Friday, and here's how he described my timeline:

#FF Follow Friday @phive0phor. Hip hop and acid sarcasm.less than a minute ago via web

I should've given him credit for that a long time ago. (That tweet is actually from October, 2009. I don't know why it says "less than a minute ago".) Apologies to you, mcwbr. And thanks.

Oh, and check out his blog!


  1. Of course you know, this means war!

  2. Perhaps I should explain what I meant by "apologies"... :-)
