Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Listening: A Few of My Mom's Favorite Songs

As of this writing, Mother's Day is just hours away. A joyous occasion for most of you, it's the day you show appreciation for the woman who gave you life by showering her with flowers, cards, gifts, and maybe by taking her out for lunch or dinner - or better yet, maybe you'll do the cooking. But it's not exactly the happiest day for me.

Because tomorrow is also the 18th anniversary of my mother's passing.

One thing I inherited from Mom is a love for music. She had quite a collection of 45s and albums that I wasn't even allowed to touch until I was about 12 or 13 years old. It was probably a good decision on her part; it was around that time when I learned how to scratch and cut, using the volume knob as a cross fader. I got an ass whipping every time she caught me doing it. (And you know what? I still wouldn't change a thing. I would go on to become a DJ from 2000 to 2005 partly because of it.)

My mom had little tolerance for the music of the 80's. She would always say things about music not sounding like it used to. I get a feeling that if she was still here, she would hate today's music even more. Lord knows I do (with a few exceptions). I swear, every time I complain aloud to no one in particular about songs that actually have the word "stanky" in the title, it reminds me of her complaining about songs with no singing in it. "It's not even music! 'Hip-hop, hippity-hip-hop'? What are they talking about?" (She did like a few rap songs, though. Three are included below.)

So if you'll indulge me, I would like to share a few of her favorite songs here. I think of her everytime I hear these (including "A Song for Momma", released a few years after her passing), and I know she is somewhere listening and smiling - and when appropriate, dancing.

I love you, Mom. (Monday, January 31, 1944 - Sunday, May 12, 1991)

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones!


  1. Wow...what a playlist! Your mom is probably the coolest angel in heaven. *hugs*

  2. a mom myself, I love hearing your fond remembrances of your own mom, ass whippings and all. I'm sorry she isn't here for you indulge in her every whim tomorrow. It sounds like the two of you had a strong bond, though, which is the best gift any mom can EVER receive.

    Off to listen to your playlist...

    (This is no_watch_me from twitter, BTW, in case it isn't obvious from my profile).
